Photography: Devlin Photos
We are so excited about the upcoming workshops in London! Gala & Shauna fly in to the UK this week and we can’t wait to be together again (aww). We have a massive SIXTY undergraduates signed up for our London events, and so here is a little reminder about what to expect.
The workshop is taking place at Curtain Road Studios, Shoreditch. Both days kick off at 10 am and we plan to be wrapped by 6 pm each day, with post-workshop drinks in a nearby bar on day two!
To pack in your school bag:
♥ A pen. Each of you will be given a branded workbook and a gorgeous Moleskine in your goodie bag for making notes, but make sure you bring something to write with!
♥ A camera. On day two we have a basic camera skills lesson with a professional photographer. While this isn’t a massively technical workshop, you will have time to practice what you’ve been taught, so if you have a camera, bring it! If not, don’t worry, the camera on your phone will be totally adequate!
♥ Snacks and lunch. We’ll be providing snacks for munching on throughout the day (including vegan and non-vegan cupcakes from Restoration Cake!) but feel free to bring your own too. There are plenty of places to buy lunch locally, but if you prefer to bring a packed lunch, be our guest! There’s a kitchenette in the workshop space where you can store it.
♥ Business cards… Because you never know who you might meet!
We are SO EXCITED to meet you all,
Much love from your overenthusiastic headmistresses,
Kat, Gala & Shauna