The Blogcademy Live
Are you ready to take
your business to the next level?
We are here to help you make it happen - in person.

Do You Dream About...
Breaking 6 figures? Attracting more customers?
Raising your profile? We can help. In fact, we've
helped nearly 1,000 women do exactly that!
The Blogcademy is a wildly fun, fiercely smart, two-day workshop tailored to women who want to elevate their online presence and business up a level - or fifteen. Taught by three of the world's most high-profile bloggers, Gala Darling (Gala Darling), Kat Williams (Rock n Roll Bride) and Shauna Haider (Nubby Twiglet) will take your hand and give you a backstage pass to the blogosphere.
Everything you ever wanted to know about blogging strategy, branding, monetization, personality and so much more is covered in this workshop, taking place in the coolest cities around the world!
At The Blogcademy, there's three of us and thirty of you (not to mention killer goodie bags that will knock your socks off!).
We provide personalized guidance, big heaps of encouragement and a massive dose of inspiration to all levels, from absolute beginners to total pros. It doesn't matter whether you do it for the love, to support your business, or if it's your full-time gig; all that matters is that you have a red hot passion for this thing we call the blogosphere.

The three of us have very distinct personalities and an entirely different approach to each of our online identities, which gives a savvy, holistic, insider's view of exactly what it takes to thrive online... No matter who you are.
If you'd like to use your blog to attract new clients, we know the best way to do it. If you're feeling frustrated by creating content, we can help you bulldoze through the obstacles that are standing in your way. If you want to get a newspaper column, a magazine feature or publish a book, we can show you the ropes. If you want to be inspired, make your blog design really pop, refine your branding and get bigger and better, we're right there with you - no exceptions.
If it exists as a benchmark within blogging, we have either done it or are doing it right now. Gala has been writing online since 1997, Shauna got started in 2001, and Kat began her blog in 2007. In our 31 collective years of experience in the world of blogging, we have truly dealt with the good, the bad and the ugly! We want to share our greatest lessons with you in the form of two uncontrollably fun, action-packed days of knowledge, wisdom, tricks, tips, deep insights and good old-fashioned bonding.

And, It Doesn't End There.
After the last B-shaped balloon is packed away, the community remains. Regular, real-life meet-ups, a thriving forum and access to constantly updated resources are all at your glittery fingertips. The Blogcademy may zip by in two days, but the relationships you've formed can (and will) last a lifetime.
Learn With Us In Person.

Three Reasons Blogcademy Live Works:

We Walk The Walk And Talk The Talk. Really.
Everything we share in class is backed up by our 30+ collective years of blogging online. We've discovered the best ways to communicate, build a thriving business from scratch, and create multiple revenue streams. We want to share our experiences with you so you can do the same!
You Get Instant Feedback And Answers.
In addition to teaching you everything we know about blogging for beaucoup bucks, our in-person classes are an amazing opportunity to have your business' online presence assessed on the spot by us. You don't just get a personalised report card, you're also given the chance to ask all the questions you can think of.
We're more than happy to help you brainstorm ideas that can improve your online presence, your blog, and in turn, your bottom line. That's priceless.

Our Students Get Proven Results.
What's the point in learning if you never implement? We're proud to say that our students have gone on to kick major ass in the online world. They've raised $100k on Kickstarter, left boring corporate jobs in the dust, and created incredible, thriving businesses.
We'd love for you to join our esteemed alumni and experience the transformational results of The Blogcademy for yourself.

How Does Blogcademy Live Compare To Our Other Products?
It's simple! Click below for an easy to use chart which walks you through our different programs, showing you the features and benefits of each. You're sure to find the perfect fit for your learning style... And budget!
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
"Best. Weekend. Of. All. TIME. Seriously. Thank you so much for sharing your insight, knowledge, laughter, and encouragement with us. You girls seriously are the best teachers, dreamers, and doers on the planet. And obviously the most stylish. So much love to you, lady! And if any of you reading this are on the fence about going - FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS, GO!!!!"
"Well I have to say that it was officially the greatest weekend I've ever experienced! I have never in all my days, felt so inspired or excited in my life. My head is jam packed with ideas, my notebook is full and my head is now covered in sparkly bows and bunny-ears."
"I had a blast! Hands down, the best experience I've had - from learning, making new friends, and finding MY kind of people. Thank you ladies for being such wonderful, colorful, and wise hosts, headmistresses, and friends! Not once did I feel like I was learning something too far out of my grasp, nor did I feel like anything was too basic. It was wonderful to have loads of examples from different contexts to learn from, and I had a complete epiphany as to how I'll think about blogging from this point forward."

What's Included In Blogcademy Live?

What Will I Learn?
1. Formatting Basics.
Why do blogs look the way they do? We discuss the importance of great imagery, give you some easy-to-follow layout rules, and tell you our top-tips for optimising your search traffic.
2. Blogging business plan.
If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there? We'll go through your blogging business plan in detail, covering the executive summary, vision, market and marketing, operations, team, and finances.
3. Discovering your ideal reader.
Why do you need to know who your readers are? We'll help you to define exactly who they are, which makes creating content so much easier!
4. Crafting your about page.
What should you include on this essential page? We tell you exactly what to address, discuss your story, talk about the importance of attracting and repelling, and will help inspire you to create a manifesto for your blog or business.
5. Defining your blog's purpose.
Why do you need one? We also talk about the key factors that distinguish a successful blog from those that never really get any traction. How can you create content to attract a particular audience? We'll share our secrets!
6. Creating killer content.
What should you be considering when you develop content for your blog? We discuss our secret formula for posts that get reach. We also talk about the importance of being vulnerable, our top five blog posts of all time (and why they were so successful), creating regular features, and why consistency is so important.
7. Consistency.
What does it mean to audit your blog? You're about to find out what a blog audit is, how it can help you, and a step-by-step guide to doing it yourself!
8. Social media.
It doesn't have to be a mystery (or a chore!). We'll tell you how to engage and grow your followers, as well as how to master Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
9. Networking.
Why is networking so important for bloggers and small business owners? We'll teach you how not to dread going to events or meeting new people, how to talk to people you don't know, how to be memorable (for the right reasons!), and even how to organise your own networking events.
10. Branding.
What is branding, and what is marketing? What's the difference between the two, and why are they equally important? We tell you the essential steps to creating a charismatic brand, and give you our top branding resources. What's the golden rule of branding? Just you wait! We show you slick blog design examples, where to find a professional-looking Wordpress theme, and how to find a developer or designer. Then we discuss brand colours, coming up with a name for a business or product, trademarks, and how to gather brand inspiration. We'll think beyond the logo with lock-ups and wordmarks, before telling you how to grow your brand, share our trusted sources, and tell you all about one-sheets and media kits.
11. The Blogcademy case study.
We'll tell you the full story of The Blogcademy, and how we grew it from an idea we had on one trip to Las Vegas, to a powerhouse six-figure business in less than a year!
12. Still Life 101.
Why is it important to show your life in images? We talk about product styling, how to share your life in an authentic way, and why you shouldn't take too many selfies! We also give you our best tips for taking beautiful, still life photos.
13. Advertising.
Is taking on advertisers right for your blog? We tell you the most important things you need to consider before you take the plunge! We discuss what you should charge, and the different options for hosting adverts. In addition to covering affiliates, we also share Rock n Roll Bride's media kit, and give you a step-by-step guide of what to include in yours.
14. Brand collaborations.
Let's talk about money, honey! How can you turn your blog into a real money-spinner? We talk about how to work with -- and get paid for featuring -- companies and brands on your blog. We discuss what makes a good sponsored post, and give real life examples of our own sponsored posts that have been a huge hit.
15. Business documents.
What's a bid form? What do you need to include on an invoice? This is essential stuff that will help you get paid!
16. Income diversification.
Is it possible to make money from something other than advertising? The answer is, of course, YES! We show you how to sell your own services or products on your blog, discuss writing for, or getting featured in, magazines and newspapers, and talk about digital products: What they are, how you can create them, and why you should sell them! We also cover how to get a book deal, and the resources you'll need to get there!
17. Image usage.
Can you just use any old photo? Definitely not! We share our sources for finding imagery for you to use on your blog or website, as well as show you how to credit the photos you use, and how to find original photo sources so your blog is as beautiful as you are!

It's A Lot Of Information, Sure. But Best Of All? The Blogcademy Works.

Our blogcadettes have gone on to raise massive amounts of capital, start their own businesses, get sponsored for overseas travel, and eke out a name for themselves in a competitive online world. You can, too. It all starts with knowledge.

This Course *Is* A Good Fit For You If:
- You're in the first few years of your blogging or business journey, or you've been at it for a while but you've become stuck. We guarantee to motivate and point you in the right direction!
- You're aching to meet other business owners who are just like you. In our classroom, there's no competition: just encouragement.
- You have a lot of questions about your specific business, or want feedback on your blog's design, content or branding.
- You have a couple of empty notebooks you're dying to fill up!

Meet Your Headmistresses
Kat, Gala, and Shauna are on a mission to help bloggers and entrepreneurs create an infectiously awesome online presence. Blogging doesn't have to feel like just another chore on your to-do list: It can also be fun and profitable! The online version of their best-selling workshop (with over 25 sold-out classes across 3 continents) will show you the way. With their own businesses and blogs going strong (and a list of Fortune 500 companies they've personally worked with), you're sure to get the latest scoop. Your headmistresses speak from personal experience and dish out advice straight from the heart - no business jargon allowed.

Got Questions Before You Buy?
We've Got Answers!
Transform Your Blog... And Your Life.
"I didn't realise just how much I learned until I found myself slipping advice learned from The Blogcademy into everyday conversations that didn't have anything to do with blogging. I'm totally going to be 'that girl' who keeps talking about 'this one time at The Blogcademy'..."
"By the end of day one, it was absolutely clear that The Blogcademy was an absolute game changer for me. After spending most of my evening going over my notes, scribbling ideas and drafting new posts (the general lack of sleep by the Blogcadettes is testament to how inspired we all were, sleeping simply wasn't on the agenda that night).
Day two I was confident, in the front row, asking questions, squeezing every last drop out of this incredible experience. The most magnificent thing about the Blogcademy is the headmistresses themselves. I know I wasn't the only one that got one on one time with all three of these wondrous babes. Everything they had to say was supremely positive and oodles of actionable advice."
"The Blogcademy was great for me because you girls put your souls and your hearts in this project! I believe in destiny, I believe in magic, I believe in good things, so I believe that someone somehow brought me to you girls. You & NYC have changed my life! With my heart full of love and gratitude, thank you!"
"I've attended a tonne of bullshit corporate courses over the years and even the most informative and entertaining (and expensive) of those absolutely PALE in comparison to what you guys do. I learnt so much over the 2 days and have felt so confident building this site off the back of everything I learned."